In 2021, the Fête Chinoise Love at Mid-Autumn Campaign brought our community together during the pandemic through this innovative campaign, demonstrating cultural thought leadership in the Chinese Canadian community and Canadian community at large.

In 2022, Fête Chinoise has the mission to Move Culture Forward and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with philanthropic spirit. Spreading love + hope with their signature heart-shaped mooncakes, with 100% of campaign proceeds and additional donations to benefit the SickKids Foundation. In a year of war and racism, they specifically chose the Ukrainian Paediatric Assistance Fund and the Herbie Fund Programs, because “where you live (or come from), shouldn’t determine whether you live.” Presented in a collectors' edition tin that you can keep for trinkets and personal collections, each gift set is paired with the Fete Chinoise Inaugural Design Annual 2022 in a beautiful paper gift bag. 

You can also support by making a donation to SickKids. The Fete Chinoise committee and community have a goal of reaching $20,000 of donations on top of the sales of mooncakes. Your every dollar makes a difference in the lives of the kids needing your love and support in their healing.