About Timsold Team

The TimSold Real Estate team proudly commits to donating $100,000 to support the children at SickKids.

SickKids Hospital has a special place in our hearts. We are parents to three children and have experienced their  world-class care and treatment in dealing with Lupus and Childhood Epilepsy in our family.

As a result, we have chosen to donate a portion of our commissions to the SickKids Foundation to give back to a meaningful place in our city.

Thanks to the hundreds of families we have helped buy or sell homes, we are closer to our goal of raising $100,000.

Through this generous pledge, TimSold is fostering hope and brighter futures for those in need at SickKids, embodying the spirit of compassion and support.

Please click the "Donate Now" button to help us achieve our goal! 

Visit us on our website by clicking here. 



Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timsolddotcom/ 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/timsolddotcom 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TimSoldDotCom/ 

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@timsold.com 


Starts at:  December 31, 2024 6:00 PM
Ends at:  December 31, 2029 6:00 PM




Beatrice Ho & Tim Keung at TimSold Real Estate Team

Heal the Future

Precision Child Health (PCH) is the future because it’s the end of one-size-fits-all medicine. PCH means focussing deeply, precisely on everything that makes each individual patient who they are – from their postal code to their genetic code, to every signal their body sends. Then harnessing cutting-edge science, technology, and data insights to do three big things: diagnose faster, treat smarter, predict better.